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After reviewing the economic and market environment we offer the following comments.

April 2023

  • "Power to the People"

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March 2023

  • Are Markets Cooling?
  • 2022 Narratives vs. Now
  • FSA Market Tracker 
  • Market Outlook

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December 2022

  • It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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November 2022

  • Turning Point?
  • Investment Strategy Update
  • U.S. Equity Market Update

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September 2022

  • All Eye’s on The Fed
  • Fighting Inflation
  • Market Update

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November 2021

  • Logistics, Labor, and Supply-Side Snarls
  • Macro Outlook and HDI Update
  • Positioning for More Sustained Inflation
  • Transitioning Away from Transitory
  • Regional Tilting Update
  • Reviewing Our Open Calls

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October 2021

  • All Is Not Quiet on the Potomac
  • Is China Investable?
  • Macro Outlook and HDI Update
  • Reflation Trade Update
  • Structured Credit Update
  • Reviewing Our Open Calls

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September 2021

  • Navigating Peak Earnings Growth
  • Macro Outlook and HDI Update
  • Delta Blues
  • Equity Market Positioning
  • The Changing of the Guard
  • Reviewing Our Open Calls

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July 2021

  • First Half Market and Macro Trends
  • Macro Outlook and HDI Update
  • Navigating Peak Reflation
  • Connecting the Dots on Fed Policy
  • The Changing of the Guard
  • Reviewing Our Open Calls

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June 2021

  • Transitory Inflation? Sustained Inflation? Or a Bit of Both?
  • Macro Outlook and HDI Update
  • Rethinking Real Assets
  • Reviewing Our Open Calls

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